Our goal is to guide veterans, like you, who have strong work ethic and solid work histories, into sustainable energy careers.
We do this through a combination of formal or technical education, basic career prep, internships, and/or fellowships based on the needs of each veteran.
Transition is a uniquely stressful time for many veterans, with unique challenges and stressors that are uncommon to the general college population. The VTEC team supports and mentors participants toward their individualized goals to ensure they can smoothly navigate the various obstacles veterans often encounter.
Explore Your Future with VTEC
More than 51,000 veterans have earned STEM degrees since the inception of the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Are you interested in a career in science, technology, engineering or math? You tell us where you want to be, and we'll help you navigate getting there.
What you get:
One-on-one mentorship, career development and transition support
Paid internship opportunities within DOD/Industry/Academia
Professional experience to supplement your education
Potential Careers
Electrical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Power Systems Engineer
Embedded Systems Engineer
Project Engineer
Cybersecurity Specialist
Information Technology Associate
Energy Consultant
Data Scientist
Energy analyst
Doctoral Researcher
Research Assistant